
Civil and Commercial Litigation

020 8720 9338

Whatever the weather, GRSC has your back.

Civil Litigation

Breach of contract claims are the typical claims undertaken, but GRSC can deal with most applications and disputes in the County and High courts. 
Just ask GRSC!

Commercial Litigation

Commercial work is accepted on a case by case basis. Recent cases have included an injunction (passing off) for a media personality and breach of contract in respect of a boat.

Employment Law

Experienced in representing employees and employers, and in all areas of employment law , throughout the UK. Fixed fee service available to employees and employers. 

All the services you need,
all in one place.

GRSC has the experience to offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.
Past work includes insurance law cases (avoidance of policies), emergency injunctions, media contracts, claims for psychiatric injuries, and construction law.

Philip is a highly experienced family practitioner, Amanda is an experienced employment lawyer, but also has advised and represented businesses throughout her career in insurance, media and contractual matters, while Peter used to be a lecturer alongside practice and therefore easily adapts between different courts and types of law including employment, civil and commercial law. 

Fees range from £250-£10,000, depending on the work required and the complexity, but please do speak to the clerk (07902 116209) and discuss your work, as we shall all try to assist. 
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